Linda's First Blog for 2010: The Friendship Bracelet |
ell, the Christmas rush is over, and there is time to catch everyone up on the news from my jewelry sales. First, the sales were really pretty good consideringthe economy. People are very careful and value conscious, but I have found that they embrace thoughtful support jewelry and beautiful stones that have metaphysical benefits. My own father suffered a stroke about 2 weeks before Christmas. The fact that a 90 year old man walked out of the hospital on Christmas Eve is indeed a miracle. One thing I did have time to research is that lapis is a good stone for strokes.
People always want to know which items are selling well. I really can’t say from one sale to another. The comfort bracelets always do very well. People tell me that they love the little brochure that accompanies them. In fact, I have a new bracelet, the friendship bracelet which joins the others. Here is a full list of those available
Pain— Loss— Hope— Sleep—Baby— Angel— Diabetes— Marriage— Cancer— Depression— Headache— Strength— Stress—Loss— Thank You— Spiritual (for first communion and other sacraments.
I have included a picture of the new Friendship bracelet and the write up on it. Click on the bracelet to see the detailed explanation of this piece and its features.

I also want to talk about the wonderful connections I make with people. I always say that the love of gems and the belief in their metaphysical inspiration makes strange bedfellows. I am eternally grateful for the connections that I have made with people from all over the world who order jewelry of some kind. Of course I love to sell the gemstones and druzies—my favorites—but I form the closest attachments with my metaphysical customers. There is just something special about the connection you make with someone who is seeking relief for a sad heart, sore body, or ill spirit. I consider it a privilege to get to hear their stories and offer them some measure of relief.
These people range from Katrina sufferers to mothers who have lost their children to violence and others who are battling disease. I believe that everyone has a story to tell that can break your heart. I am honored to hear their story. I used to have a very wise secretary who told me that joy shared is doubled, and sorrow shared is halved. I so believe that.
Well, in the course of answering questions about my jewelry and designing pieces to address specific needs, I met a lady from New York who has become a grand friend. Gina, my customer is also a poet, and she wrote this poem inspired by a custom necklace I made that contained specific beads that address her physical needs. I thought I might share it with you.
The planets of illusion
Illusory shapes connected
By firm wire that vibrates
Fine tunes and soothes
and balances imbalance
The design of life force
In myriad colors, a palette
Of stones and beads dancing
On neck and ear and wrist
Nurturing, strengthening
Sorting through mysterious
Ailments, no beginning
No ending, only the marvel
Of this panoply devised by
Linda metaphysical wizard
Delicate harmony of display
Intricate, unique, bending
Stubborn entanglements
Dazzling and delighting
Wellness on wire orbs.
Obviously, Gina is a very talented woman. She has also become a good email friend and customer. I love when she tells me a story about someone who needs a piece of jewelry, and we cyber chat and decide what stone will be most helpful.
I am also off to Tucson at the end of the month for the Gem and Mineral Show. I will blog then and tell you all about my finds. Well, I must go for now.
--Linda |
Charmed, I'm sure... |
had a very interesting experience the other day. A lovely lady called me after she saw one of my bracelets on a customer of mine. This lady had been battling cancer for years, and wanted to purchase some jewelry for her daughter and daughter-in-laws. She asked if I would stop out to her home a few miles from Dubuque with a selection of my jewelry. I was happy to do so and met them on a chilly March evening.
What a wonderful family they were; it was a pleasure to meet them. They ended up purchasing a great selection of my jewelry. The lady herself who continues to fight cancer didn’t wear jewelry for herself, but I couldn’t resist sending her something special to support her in the struggle she is waging with cancer. I made her the purse charm that you see in this blog. I call them “Charmed—I’m Sure.” They can be used for a key chain or a charm to hang on your purse. I will have some standard ones—like cancer, hope and strength. They will come with a little paper describing the symbols and metaphysical properties of the stones. I will even custom make them and write personalized messages. The price will be 25 dollars which will include shipping and handling. They will have larger stones and symbols and will be gorgeous. I can’t wait to hear your ideas.
Additionally, I am adding a new Spiritual Bracelet to my selection of comfort bracelets. It is perfect for a baptism, communion, confirmation or any other spiritual milestone is someone’s life. They will cost 30 dollars including shipping. I hope you like them.
I am also now able to request paypal payments. When you see something you like, just email me for an exact cost and we can transact the sale. Also, I combine one shipping costs. I am always more than willing to custom make any bracelet for your personal needs.
Love, Linda
My Trip to Iowa City to Raise Money for Leukemia and Lymphoma and my Custom Wedding Jewelry Project for Dear Friends... |
t was my pleasure and honor to have a sale at the University of Iowa 's Hospital in the Pappajohn Pavilion where I sold my jewelry to benefit leukemia and lymphoma. Emily Mozena, who is a child life specialist there, invited me to sell jewelry with part of the proceeds to go to her marathon run to be held in San Francisco . She has to earn $2500 in order to participate in the event. We had a very successful sale at the hospital, and I was able to donate $400 to her run. I was very proud to be a part of the event which I did in support of Emily but also in memory of our nephew Georgie Inserra who died of leukemia at Christmas in 1994. I loved the whole day of selling my creations to patients, staff and visitors to the hospital. I could just feel Georgie's support and presence. (To see samples of the children's jewelry featured at this show, click here.)
At one point in the day, a young family with a two year old recovering from a brain tumor came in to see my jewelry which is designed specifically for children in support of childhood cancer. All of my effort was rewarded by bedecking the little girl with bracelet and necklace. It was truly an awe-inspiring time and gave a face to the threat of childhood cancer. I have indluded a link here to images of some of the jewelry I designed for children.
Another joy-filled project was the creation of custom jewelry for the upcoming wedding of close friends of ours, Bryce Parks and Christine Monk (a photo is in the right column). They have already picked up necklaces, earrings and bracelets, but I happen to have her matching hairpiece, so Gary photographed it as a sample of my work. It is just perfect for their park wedding. I can't wait to hear the comments of people and to see Christine and her attendant resplendent in their one of a kind jewelry.
Well, I have quite a few home shows booked for this fall. People host the parties in their home and then receive 20 percent of sales in merchandise at the end of the sale. It is a lovely way to sell jewelry and meet new friends. I really don't like to do the traditional craft fair. It is too unpredictable and also quite grueling trying to attract random customers. I prefer a more intimate venue where people are motivated to purchase and choose their jewelry. I am surprised how many repeat customers I generate. People love to choose new pieces once they experience the comments and positive approval from other people.
Many of my customers are professional women who find that a distinctive piece of jewelry is a great ice breaker in their work world. I always contend that jewelry is a way to show a very personal part of you to others. It often initiates conversation and puts people at ease as they get a glimpse behind the professional veneer. It allows the wearer to be distinctive and human to the people with whom she is in contact.
The comfort bracelets continue to do very well as people buy them for themselves and others. I have more recipients tell me that there is no other piece of jewelry that they wear as frequently. They also comment on the explanation sheet that comes with the piece. It tells the significance of the different stones and also offers some of my “meat and potatoes” counseling tips that I used when I was a therapist. |


I offered people real, practical, here-and-now suggestions for their problems that were based on common sense and good therapeutic advice. Those tried and true suggestions hold up today in my bracelet documentation.
Gary and I also visited Colorado Springs and the Rockies with our good friends, the Kings in late August. I drove everybody crazy shopping at every little rock and bead shop I could find. I was able to purchase some beautiful old stock agates and some glorious ocean jasper and turquoise. I also heard something that I found very interesting.
It seems that making elixirs out of gemstones is becoming more common. Herkimer diamonds are now being pulverized and used as a tonic. I also read an article where Montezuma used his treasure in emeralds to make a health elixir. Well, I can't say I'd suggest that without a lot more research. However, I can say that I see people become drawn to a stone and hold it in their hand and say they love the feel and look of the stone. In this harried, stressful world, I consider that a welcome relief. In fact, I have a friend who is a very practical computer programmer who suffers from arthritis. She tells me she always feels better when she wears her knitted amethyst, citrine, topaz bracelet. That's all the testament I need.
Well, I am off to Chicago for a show with some United flight attendants. Then, I have a red dress event for a local chapter of the American Heart Association. Finally, September ends with a house party and my 60th birthday which is going to be a “bling” rock'n'roll party. As if that's not enough, I head for China with my super-pal Susan for some serious stone buying and sightseeing. I'd love to hear from you all. If you have a particular problem, I'd love to make you a comforting piece of jewelry. Comfort and love, Linda |
The Cancer Patient Comfort Jewelry Collection is Unveiled |
 am so proud of the new line of cancer comfort jewelry that I just designed for my dear friend, Barb Gabriel's jewelry party. I have some new Czech breast cancer beads that I purchased at the Milwaukee Bead and Button show. I was fortunate enough to purchase a quantity of the beads so I will have plenty for quite some time since there are no more out there. The show was a huge success because many of Barb's fellow breast cancer survivors attended and loved the jewelry. As usual, cashier for the show was my uber-pal Sally. She is a breast cancer warrior and survivor. We worked at Wahlert high school, and Sally and I have walked the cancer journey together as I have been her chemo coach. Click here to see the collection.
One of the ladies was the wife of a soldier from the 133rd who had been deployed to Kosivo. It turns out that they were returning the next day, so we helped her pick out jewelry to match her welcome home outfit. It was a special part of the sale. Other ladies shared their joy and struggles with breast cancer. I was totally charmed and so impressed with all of them. I am going to sponsor a golf hole at the Breast Cancer golf tournament in September, and I plan to donate some of my cancer jewelry to the event.
I will also be designing a line of children's cancer jewelry for an August sale in Iowa City. That sale is to help raise funds for childhood cancer. I can't wait for that. It is a cause so close to my heart since we lost our beloved nephew, Georgie, to leukemia at the age of 13. I am thrilled to be able to honor him and my dear friend Sally with the purchase of a hole.
I have also been shopping for more druzies—those lovely sparkly quartz pendants. You know, druzy is also called merlinite. It is the stone of magic and transformation. I personally wear one every day.
I am booking in-home shows for the Fall. I give the hostess 20 percent of my gross sales in free jewelry. It has worked out very well so far. Usually, my hostesses end up with some great jewelry and have been very happy with the arrangement. If you live in or near Dubuque, please contact me. --Linda |
Linda Olsen's BLOG and VideoBLOG on the Bead & Button Show, Milwaukee, WIS |

must say, the Bead & Button show once again exceeded our expectations. Once again the people at Kalmbach publishing couldn't have been more accommodating, nicer or better organized. Kudos to them. My husband Gary, a videographer and webmaster made a wonderful video record of our experiences. In fact, the still images on this page are called "frame grabs" and they are from the original movie. You can click on them and an enlarged view will automatically deploy in your browser.
We saw some old friends like, Lisa Pavelka, Linda Abbott, Leah Fairbanks, and Derek, her husband. And we made lots of new friends like Dallas Lovett and Sherri Serafini. These people are the rock stars of the bead world.
One of the highlights of the show was the "Meet the Instructors" show and reception that allows students to purchase items, even precious works of art. But the real value is in the socializing. It was so wonderful meeting Leah Fairbanks and incredibly talented husband. Lisa Pavelka was there representing Swarovski. And we made many many new friends at this event. We have become members of a community of beaders and artists that truly support each other.
We took great classes and had lots of fun. Naturally, our most memorable times were had on the sales floor. My sister Nancy accompanied me for the second year in a row, and we both shopped our little hearts out.
We met more wonderful vendors, artists and inventors at the sale. There is nothing like having those beads in your hot little hand and seeing them with your own beady eyes. It was our priviledge to meet the owner and inventor of Soft-flex—what a great guy. I bought some watermelon tourmaline from him that is so beautiful it would make your eyes water.
After our five-day beading adventure we returned to soggy Iowa to get back to reality, sort and put away our beads and start designing and selling. See you next year for more classes and fun.
MORE PHOTOS from Bead & Button!
See fabulous shots from the motion picture we produced of this event. Please Click here! |
Beads by artist Dolly Ahles are featured above. They are magnificent in their detail. Excellent example of lamp work bead making. Below, we are taking a class from Dallas Lovett. Click on the images to reveal enlargements. |
I met some of my suppliers face to face at this show, and that made this experience even more valuable. Below is the inventor of Soft Flex! |
Above is one of Lea Fairbanks beads, and it is utterly fantastic. Gems are set in the centers of her flowers by her husband who actually drills into the beads to set a bezel and faceted stone. |
The reason the movie is as large as we could make it is we wanted to show the incredible detail of the beads we featured, like this mask by the legendary Lisa Pavelka made of Swarovski crystals. For you artists who are featured in the movie, you may want to download it and save it to your own computer. Yes, we also have an archival file of the movie you can download and keep forever! Once again, depending on your connection speed, this movie may take anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes to download fully onto a directory you designate on your hard drive. We highly recommend you do this. |
Once it downloads. you can play it by just clicking on the file, and it will launch a player window. If you have a really new version of Windows Media Player and Windows Vista, this file may stream and play as it's downloading. I want to thank my husband, Gary, for his work on this film. It truly captures the spirit and essence of the Bead & Button Show. To download an archival (non-streaming movie) file of Linda's Trip to the Bead & Button Show, right click your mouse here and choose "Save Target As..." Then choose a place on your hard drive to save your movie. |
When words fail—comfort bracelets |
 recently renamed my bracelets from therapy bracelets to comfort bracelets. I am so pleased with the change. It may just seem like semantics, but the difference is so meaningful to me. I have received notes and emails from many of my customers who tell me how much it meant to them to have something special to give to a friend or family member at a time of crisis. So the bracelets seem to help not only the recipient, but also the gifter.
It serves as a constant reminder that they are not alone. I remember when my beloved nephew died of leukemia. My best friends cried with me, and I will never forget that. I had a secretary at the time, and she was hearing impaired. I got her because it was too inconvenient for the administrators to deal with her disabilities. I came to love her because of her common sense and innocent wisdom she shared. After we buried Georgie, she sat and simply cried with me.
I will never forget her words: “Linda, joy shared is doubled, and pain shared is halved.” What simple, honest and true words. When a friend is in crisis, there are lots of nice things we can do to help, and the comfort bracelets are a nice way to have that constant reminder of your love and support. Perhaps the nicest compliment I received was from a friend with cancer who I gave a cancer bracelet. When her sister's son died very unexpectedly, she gave her sister the precious bracelet that she had worn for over a year as a gesture of support. Her sister continues to wear the bracelet.
Another thought occurred to me about my jewelry. Oftentimes, jewelry is a great ice breaker. People come up to me and ask my about a stone or a piece I am wearing. That usually leads to a lovely conversation. A person wearing a comfort bracelet may be asked about it, and it inevitably leads to a conversation where they share stories with someone in similar circumstances. This talking about themselves is very cathartic which is very therapeutic. It goes back to my secretary's words of wisdom. You learn that you are not the only person going through this traumatic situation.
It is great to share information and even helpful advice. I have a stone called hypersthene which is a great metaphysical support for social unease. Many of us dread the superficial cocktail chatter as we are juggling a napkin, beverage and a carrot stick. What a lovely ice breaker to have a stone that is unusual and prompts questions.
You'd be surprised what you learn when you admit that you're not really good at cocktail chatter. Finding a kindred spirit is really a great support, and can lead to a meaningful conversation and even a good friendship. I must say that I have noticed something very interesting about my customers. Many of the emails come in late at night. This tells me that people are on the internet searching for answers in the middle of the night (been there done that).
I am so gratified that my web site gives them some modicum of comfort and support. One of the most difficult parts of a crisis is the lack of options and feeling of being helpless. In order to be psychologically healthy, you have to feel like you have a variety of different choices to get back to a place of control. I am not suggesting that a bracelet is going to avert a crisis. However, It can be a part of your arsenal as you fight to get back your control and take on this crisis. In closing, I want to quote a customer who wrote this note: “The bracelet arrived today and it is wonderful. Thank you with all my heart for creating such wonderful and inspirational jewelry which has come to us at the perfect time.” I guess this says it all. --Linda
Please e-mail me Yes, I know... this is not some big time jewelry web site. I endeavor to make my web site more intimate, friendly, and the e-mail you will send me will start the process of my getting to know you. This is critical to our success. Call it personal selling, relationship selling... whatever. If we do some business, great. If we become friends... that's even better.
Thanks for visiting my site. Linda Olsen |
May 28, 2008: New Friends and New Designs |
am so excited about the addition of a new bracelet to my collection. I now call my bracelets “Comfort Bracelets.” I like to think that they represent the support and encouragement that we want to give each other when someone is going through trying times or some new phase of life. They have the added benefit that they serve as a constant reminder of your support and message to the recipient.
I have had my web site for a year, but it has taken about that long for it to catch on. Now, I get communication almost every day regarding the stones, bracelets. Sometimes it's orders, but many times it's just a lovely note to say that they like my work. What I enjoy the most is all of the lovely people that I meet because of the site. In a way I become a part of their family as we talk about the challenges that we all face in our lives.
I find myself once again falling into my professional role of a therapist as they share their stories of loss, illness, and other of life's seemingly unfair happenings. I have sent bracelets to grieving families who lost everything in Katrina and then lost a child in a violent way. Another went to a mother who lost two children in two months.
Let's face it, when we see someone face what appears insurmountable loss, we are almost overwhelmed in our effort to be supportive in some way. My customers are just so happy to have found something that will comfort the person who they are giving the bracelet. The new Thank You Bracelet came as a brain storm after a customer called and wanted something for a retiring beloved teacher.
I had just been noodling the idea of a Thank You Bracelet, and it was the perfect thing for her and also a welcome addition to my line. Sometimes, customers want to customize their bracelets with birthstone crystals and special words or symbols. I am very happy to try to accommodate that if I am able to find what they want. I am always more than happy to hear new ideas. I look at my bracelets as almost a mission in life.
I feel privileged to hear people's stories and to sometimes add my bit of counseling to our discussions. After I send off a bracelet, I love to hear back from my customers as they tell me about how pleased the recipient is. I end up making friends and have had many repeat customers. When I was a therapist, I used to say that the bravest people walked through my doors to tell their stories. I feel that in the case of my bracelets, the kindest people walk into my life for a little while and I help them give a little piece of their heart to someone who needs it.
Well, I am off to do some beading. Talk to you again. I'm preparing for the Bead and Button Show in Milwaukee in June. It's such fun. Love, Linda |