New! The Friendship Bracelet (Friendship Bracelet #1) |
“Friends are flowers in the garden of life.” This is a statement is true on many levels and provides the inspiration for this bracelet. This bracelet has been given to you in appreciation and acknowledgment of your value as a friend. Life is enriched and made easier with the loving support of friends. This bracelet contains symbols and stones with metaphysical properties that reflect your good qualities and inspire you to continue to be the supportive, courageous, loyal friend that you are. In appreciation for the gift of your friendship…
Amber brings stability to life and encourages a sunny disposition and promotes altruism and brings wisdom. Because amber is a fossil, it is said to contain the life force.
Citrine carries the power of the sun to heal and cleanse. It energizes every level of life. It is the happy and generous stone. Gloom and negativity have no place around it. It is the bringer of joy.
Red jasper comes with wishes for your good health. It provides insight and calms the emotions. It is the stone of health, strengthening the circulatory system.
Tourmaline is the activator of the heart chakra linking it to the higher self and fostering the tenderness of friendship. It instills patience and teaches tact and diplomacy. It is the symbol of friendship.
Emerald is a stone of inspiration and infinite patience—a life affirming stone. It is a symbol of loyalty, partnership and balance.
Tiger eye is give to you as a protective stone that was carried as a talisman against ill wishers and curses. It promotes the correct use of power.
In addition:
The flowers that anchor the bracelet at both ends symbolize the beauty and value of a true friend.
The ladybug represents devotion and luck.
The bee represents the triumph over the impossible since the bee should not be able to fly due to its anatomical disproportions.
The star reminds you that you are a star.
The heart is for love.
The dragonfly is the symbol of the ability to adapt and find light and joy in new life.
The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth and transformation to a new life.
The Thank You Bracelet (click on image to enlarge) 614 |
I create two types of bracelets... single strand semi-precious stones and charms bracelets and knitted wire and semi-precious stones bracelets. The latter bracelet is completely custom. The popular single strand bracelets known as COMFORT BRACELETS contain a variety of stones that are hand selected for specific medicinal properties they possess. ALL BRACELETS COME WITH A PERSONAL BROCHURE THAT EXPLAINS THE SYMBOLISM, COLORS AND STONES USED. |
his bracelet was chosen for you in gratitude for the positive qualities you possess. It contains stones with powerful metaphysical properties and symbols that reflect your positive qualities as you live your life motivated by generosity and kindness. A class on healthy personality suggested that the happiest of us are people who are altruistic. The definition is someone who does something for others without any thought of gain for himself. The person who gives you this bracelet thinks you are that special kind of unselfish giver and presents you with this bracelet in deepest gratitude. It come with wishes for your happiness, comfort and support as you continue to have a powerful positive effect of other people's lives.
This Comfort Bracelet contains:
Amber brings stability to life and encourages a sunny disposition and promotes altruism and brings wisdom.
Citrine carries the power of the sun to heal and cleanse. It energizes every level of life. It is the happy and generous stone. Gloom and negativity have no place around it.
Sunstone is the joyful, light-inspiring stone. It instills a love of life, heightens intuition and brings light and energy to life.
Carnelian invites light and abundance into your life It is full of the life force and stimulates the metabolism.
Red jasper provides insight and calms the emotions. It is the stone of health, strengthening the circulatory system.
Tiger eye is a protective stone that was carried as a talisman against ill wishers and curses. It promotes the correct use of power.
Smoky quartz is an antidote to stress and protects from negativity and protects physically and promotes the positive.
Moonstone heals emotions and is helpful for all feminine problems including PMS, conception, childbirth and menopause. It helps with insomnia.
Yellow calcite energizes, balances emotions and removes fear.
The sun charm is a symbol of life and strength. It represents the absolute cosmic power—the center of being, and intuition. It represents knowledge and warmth, glory and splendor.
The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth and transformation to a new life.
The yellow symbolizes wisdom, joy, happiness and intellectual energy.
The bee represents the triumph over the impossible since the bee should not be able to fly because of its anatomical disproportions.
The dragonfly is the symbol of the ability to adapt and find light and joy in new life.
The ladybug represents a little luck.
And there is a wish to build a dream on.
How to Size and Buy! |
The Bride's Bracelet -- (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 612 |
The Bride's Braclet is a lovely accessory for your special day, and they make excellent gifts for your wedding party.
The Bride's Bracelet
Congratulations on your engagement and wedding! What an exciting time in your life. This bracelet contains symbols and stones that represent thoughts and reminders of qualities and behaviors that will enhance your enjoyment of this wonderful experience. It will remind you of the real spiritual importance of this coming together and inspire you to draw upon your personal resources and deal with the joy and trials of this important but stressful time. Hopefully, it will remind you to keep your perspective during this time, enjoy the process, and not sweat the details and really focus on what is meaningful.
Your bracelet includes stones that the ancients felt had metaphysical properties. Let these stones serve as a reminder of the internal strength you possess and the true meaning of this special event in your life.
The amber is the symbol for the renewal of marriage vows and reminds us to keep promises. It is also said to bring good luck. It transmutes the energy of physical vitality toward the activation of unconditional love.
Calcite is the stone of new beginnings and aids in the transitions of life.
Celestine attracts good fortune, reveals truth and brings balance. It aids conflict resolution and in maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in times of stress. It imparts inner peace and calming.
Pearl is a symbol of femininity and calmness.
Moonstone calms overreaction to situations. It is filled with female energy. It balances male/female emotions. It stabilizes the emotions and affects the female reproductive system and alleviates menstrual disease.
Jade is associated with the heart and increases love and nurturing. It is a protective stone which keeps the wearer from harm and is believed to attract good luck and friendship.
Emerald is the stone of infinite patience, which will really come in handy. It is known as the stone of successful love. It brings domestic bliss and loyalty. It enhances unity, unconditional love and partnership and promotes friendship. It keeps partnerships in balance. It assures physical, emotional and mental equilibrium and eliminates negativity and brings positive action.
Opal is associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism. It is a seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. Wearing it brings loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity.
Morganite attracts love and maintains it. It encourages loving thoughts and actions. It cleanses the heart, calms a stressed life and helps you to recognize unfulfilled emotional needs and unexpressed feelings.
Sardonyx is the stone of strength and protection. It invokes the search for a meaningful existence and promotes integrity, lasting happiness and stability in marriage. It allows one to realize the delight of living and can be used to attract friends, good fortune and encourage self-control. It is known as the stone of virtue and stimulates ethical conduct throughout life. Citrine is the stone of abundance. It teaches you how to attract wealth, prosperity, success and all good tings. It is the happy stone encouraging generosity and sharing. It dispels gloom and negativity and smoothes family discord.
Other symbols included in your bracelet are:
- The love charm, to remind you of the most important part of marriage and life.
- The butterfly which is the symbol of change and new life.
- The heart, the reminder of the tenderness of feelings and the fragility of life.
- The ladybug, a symbol of love and femininity.
- The bumblebee, a symbol of the ability to do the impossible.
- The colored crystals symbolize:
- Red is for passion and love
- Yellow is hope, courage and happiness
- Green is for new life.
- Blue is for spirituality and something blue in the bridal tradition.
- The white is for the bridal union.
How to Buy a Comfort Bracelet |
1. All bracelets on this page are $25. I have a PayPal Business Account, and all you have to do is e-mail me and tell me which bracelet number you want. If you're in Iowa there will be 6% sales tax.
2. You'll have to measure your wrist and provide that measurement in your e-mail to me. Include the name and number of the bracelet you want (each bracelet has a three digit number that begins with a 6).
3. Include your name and address so that I can compute shipping costs which will depend on where you're located.
4. Once I receive your correspondence, I can total up the amount and I will e-mail you right back. Instructions on how to complete the transaction will be included and any additional information I may want to convey. |
The Headache Bracelet -- (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 611 |
The Headache Bracelet contains stones that will help draw off the pain, but more importantly relieve stress and tension that cause headache pain.
Perhaps the most often requested bracelet has been the headache bracelet. We have all experienced the dull ache or pounding throb of a headache; however, the sufferer of chronic debilitating headaches is plagued by a heartbreaking, energy sapping malady. I took some time in researching this bracelet in order to combine what I hope will be a weapon in your arsenal as you fight this problem. We teach our clients in psychology that the more diverse solutions you have to a problem, the healthier you are mentally because you are resourceful and therefore feel powerful. This bracelet is meant to be used in addition to your other strategies as you work to control your headaches. Along with progressive relaxation, positive visualization, meditation and some really good medications, this bracelet can help remind you of the qualities and positive thoughts that can help you with your headaches. The stones were chosen for their metaphysical properties that are said to be helpful for headaches.
Featured in this piece is lapis lazuli which will quickly draw off the pain of a migraine headache. It will also help you overcomes bouts of depression. Amethyst will relieve a headache caused by stress as it strengthens the immune system. It also relieves emotional and psychological pain.
- The bee symbolizes the ability to do the impossible.
- The butterfly reminds us that change and transformation are inevitable.
It motivates us to get up and move.
- The hope charm serves as an encouragement of better health to come.
- The color blue symbolizes healing.
Enjoy a pain free life. |
The Depression Bracelet - (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 601 |
This bracelet is a powerful reminder of the qualities that will speed relief from the disorder. If it is a gift, it is symbolic of the well wisher who is supporting you through these difficult times.
Your special depression treatment bracelet comes with wishes of support as you endure these difficult times. The ancients believed in the metaphysical healing properties of natural stones. They even ground certain ones into powders and made elixirs for various maladies. Others were placed directly on the parts of the body where needed. Perhaps they weren't so far off base when you look at the natural minerals that are currently used in medicine—lithium is a naturally occurring salt used for treatment of bipolar disorder. In addition, the Buddhists find that various gems and minerals were useful in aligning the Chakras
I designed a bracelet for my friends who are battling depression. I am in no way implying that these stones can heal these disorders; however, this bracelet is a powerful reminder of the qualities that will speed relief from the disorder. If it is a gift, it is symbolic of the well wisher who is supporting you through these difficult times.
Your bracelet will have an assortment of stones which are said to have metaphysical properties that are valuable for a person battling depression. The bracelet comes with a special paper that names the different stones and crystals and tells how they are helpful. For example, the depression bracelet uses citrine, the happy stone, and also kunzite which naturally contains the anti-depressant lithium.
As a clinical therapist I helped many individuals suffering from depression. I used an eclectic approach to therapy. This means that I used behavioral, cognitive, and other modalities in helping people work their way through depression. I also worked closely with psychiatrists who prescribed appropriate medications as needed. This bracelet is in no way a substitute for traditional therapy. It is a visible symbol of the power of positive thoughts and proactive behaviors that will support treatment.
I frequently used the bracelets with clients in the course of treatment to remind them of the healing strategies that they could employ in their daily live. |
How to Buy a Bracelet |
1. All bracelets on this page are $25. I have a PayPal Business Account, and all you have to do is e-mail me and tell me which bracelet number you want. If you're in Iowa there will be 6% sales tax.
2. You'll have to measure your wrist and provide that measurement in your e-mail to me. Include the name and number of the bracelet you want (each bracelet has a three digit number that begins with a 6).
3. Include your name and address so that I can compute shipping costs which will depend on where you're located.
4. Once I receive your correspondence, I can total up the amount and I will e-mail you right back. Instructions on how to complete the transaction will be included and any additional information I may want to convey. . |
The Believe Bracelet -- Cancer - (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 602 |
A bracelet such as this is a powerful reminder of the need for a positive attitude and the good wishes of the many supporters who are wishing you well.
Your special chemo/radiation treatment bracelet comes with wishes for a harmonious and successful treatment of your cancer. The ancients believed in the metaphysical properties of natural stones. They even ground certain ones into powders and made elixirs for various maladies. Perhaps they weren't so far off base when you look at the natural minerals that are currently used in medicine such as lithium, calcium and iron. In addition the Buddhists find that various gems and minerals were useful in aligning the Chakras or energy centers of the body.
With that in mind, I designed a bracelet for my friends who are undergoing cancer treatment. I am in no way implying that these stones can heal disease; however, a bracelet such as this is a powerful reminder of the need for a positive attitude and the good wishes of the many supporters who are wishing you well. It also reminds you of the need to remain positive and believe that healing is an ongoing process. |
I carefully researched the metaphysics of various minerals and stones and found those that are helpful in alleviating the complications of cancer treatments, and I purchased beads made out of those stones. In addition, I included words and symbols of encouragement.
The believe charm reminds us of the power of positive thinking and to never give up hope. The bee represents the triumph over the impossible since the bee should not be able to fly because of its anatomical disproportions.
Stones included in this bracelet include smoky quartz which is thought to protect the wearer from radiation. Also, amethyst which is said to cleanse the immune system. |
The Diabetes Bracelet- (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 603 |
Diabetes is a disease that affects everyone from children to adults. It has its own unique set of psychological stressors.
The ancients believed that gems and minerals contained certain metaphysical properties helpful in treatment of various maladies. These metaphysical strengths are still respected today by those who believe that the body is affected by a variety of outside forces. I recently met a doctor who is in charge of research and development for a large pharmaceutical firm. He told me that the whole area of minerals is a new area for research. When you consider the use of certain natural substances such as calcium, iron, lithium, it is not outside the realm of reason that these gems and minerals offer some therapeutic relief.
If they do not physically affect a malady, they come to represent in this bracelet qualities and processes that are essential to the person affected by diabetes. They also increase awareness in the wearer of the importance of positive attitude and healthy lifestyle.
Your bracelet contains a host of healing stones specially selected to deal with this condition and requisite symptoms and these important symbols:
- The grey diabetes ribbon reminds us of the many people who share your disease and join in their support of all afflicted with it.
- The butterfly is a symbol of change and reminds us that life is constantly evolving with endless possibilities.
- The dragonfly is the ultimate symbol of the ability to adapt and find light and joy in a new life.
- The heart reminds us of the ones who love and support us.
- The sneaker charm is the symbol of the juvenile diabetes support organization.
Since the pancreas is the organ that is responsible for the disease, stones that are cleansing or therapeutic for it are included. Some of these stones are zoisite, moonstone and serpentine. |
The Dream Bracelet — Chronic Pain - (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 604 |
The Dream bracelet includes gems that are thought to have palliative properties.
Chronic pain is an incredibly debilitating experience for anyone. And it affects not only the sufferer but also anyone who comes into contact with that person. Not only is it taxing but also physically exhausting. Frequently, the ministrations of modern medicine fail to relieve the pain. Loved ones try to be supportive, but they too become victims of the suffering on a daily basis. The Dream bracelet includes gems that are thought to have palliative properties. There are also symbols that hopefully will encourage the person in pain to persevere and maintain a positive mental attitude. |
Orange symbolizes vitality and endurance.
A bumble bee, the symbol of the triumph over the impossible.
The heart, the symbol of the power of love.
The dragonfly symbolizes bravery in the Asian culture.
Many of the stones used in this bracelet target the spine and nerves. For example, tourmaline realigns the spine and stimulates the immune system. Sugulite is an exceptional pain reliever. Turquoise is an anti-inflammatory.
The color orange symbolizes vitality and endurance.
Peace Bracelet —Grief - (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 605 |
“God gave us memories so we could have roses in winter and loved ones forever.”
This quotation is the key to the ideas behind this bracelet. Having lost a beloved 13 year old nephew from cancer, and having watched his mother, my sister suffer grief, I feel I have a very personal insight into grieving. Also, as a therapist I know the value of changing the way you think and the power to heal. This bracelet is useful for any loss whether it is a death or the end of a relationship. It is a wonderful gift for someone who is experiencing sorrow and loss.
The roses that anchor the ends of the bracelet remind us of the quotation and the concept that spring comes after winter just like happiness can return after a loss.
The hearts are symbolic of the love that endures after loss.
The word “peace” reminds us to keep the goal of serenity and peace in mind.
The bumble bee charm symbolizes doing the impossible which the bee does every time she is able to lift her anatomically large body into flight with her tiny wings.
The yellow is a symbol of joy.
The butterfly stands for the angels that surround us.
The green Swarovski crystals symbolize the healing power of nature.
Stones included in this bracelet are sunstone which restores the sweetness to life. Amethyst calms an overactive mind. Tourmaline heals the heart.
The Stress Bracelet - (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 606 |
The key to dealing with stress is to recognize the signs of it and to deal with it in a positive way.
“I'm so stressed.” How often have we either heard or said these words ourselves? Stress is an inevitable part of functioning in the world. In fact, stress is not always such a bad thing. Controlled stress allows us to marshal our resources and arise to the challenge of a crisis. We all learned in Psych 101 that there are two kinds of stress—ad stress and distress. The key to dealing with stress is to recognize the signs of it and to deal with it in a positive way.
Stress is a sneaky adversary in that we often feel the effects of it before we realize how stressed we are. It is important to recognize your own personal symptoms of stress. Is it sweaty palms? Headache? Crabbiness? A racing heart? Inability to fall asleep? Early wakening before your normal time? Recognizing stress allows us to deal with it in a productive way. Too often we women march on like good soldiers taking on task after task in an effort to please other people. We realize we are stressed only after we become short with someone or snap a sharp response. Then, we compound our problems by feeling guilty and overcompensate to make up for our sharpness and further overextend ourselves.
The important thing to remember is to identify your own personal symptoms of stress and deal with them before they become too overwhelming. This is particular important as the fall season arrives with the beginning of school. Instead of the relaxing days of summer that move at a slower pace, we often ramp up our own stress without realizing the toll it is taking on us. I compare this to a rubber band that is continuously stretched. If you rest that rubber band and then stretch it really fast, there is a good chance of breaking it. The same is true when you aren't used to being pulled in multiple directions. The stress at the beginning of a task, holiday season, or crisis has an insidious way of overwhelming us if we aren't conscious of our own personal stress signals |
The purpose of this bracelet is to serve as a reminder of those personal qualities and resources that we all have to help us eliminate negative stressors and use the positive stress to be more productive and resilient. Some of these stones relieve stress, some reduce stress and others support during stressful times.
Remember that you can't be relaxed and stressed at the same time. So when your stress becomes too strong, here are some suggestions to get rid of it:
- Talk to someone. Hearing your thoughts and fears out loud prevents you from “awfulizing” and you may benefit from someone else's perspective.
- Take a walk—those endorphins will kick in.
- Have a piece of dark chocolate.
- Go shopping.
- Exercise.
- Watch a funny movie.
- Listen to music
- Do something nice for yourself.
This bracelet contains aventurine the harmonizing stone and jasper the supreme nurterer. Onyx brings strength. The color blue symbolizes the peace we all strive for. |
How to Buy a Bracelet |
1. All bracelets on this page are $25. I have a PayPal Business Account, and all you have to do is e-mail me and tell me which bracelet number you want. If you're in Iowa there will be 6% sales tax.
2. You'll have to measure your wrist and provide that measurement in your e-mail to me. Include the name and number of the bracelet you want (each bracelet has a three digit number that begins with a 6).
3. Include your name and address so that I can compute shipping costs which will depend on where you're located.
4. Once I receive your correspondence, I can total up the amount and I will e-mail you right back. Instructions on how to complete the transaction will be included and any additional information I may want to convey. . |
The Strength Bracelet- Peace- (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 607 |
This Strength Bracelet
All too frequently we are presented with challenges that seem insurmountable. Whether it is an illness, family crisis or some other problem, we can be left feeling helpless and fear filled. This strength bracelet contains symbols and stones which remind us of the qualities that will help us get through any difficulty. The stones are said to have certain metaphysical properties that are invaluable in a crisis. Hopefully, you will look at your bracelet and be reminded of your personal resources that will get you through these trying times. The bracelet is a symbol of the individual's ability to triumph over adversity and summon up the resilience and resources necessary to weather a personal storm.
- Trust charm reminds you to trust in your inner resources and the support of friends and family.
- Butterfly is the symbol of change and a new life.
- The dragonfly is the ultimate symbol of the ability to adapt and find light and joy in a new life.
- The red, blue, yellow, green and purple crystals are a symbol of the rainbow and a reminder that there is calm after the storm.
- The lady is for luck—which never hurts.
- The bumblebee is the symbol of doing the impossible
Stones used in this bracelet include jasper which brings insight to difficult situations. Onyx is the strength giving stone. |
The Pregnancy Bracelet (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 608 |
The Pregnancy Bracelet
This bracelet celebrates and supports the wearer as she progresses through her pregnancy. It contains stones that are thought to have energies that are helpful for fertility, pain control and nurturing. It serves as a powerful reminder of the qualities that are helpful during this special time.
- The love charm reminds us of the union that created the child.
- The moon charm symbolizes protection.
- The ladybug symbolizes luck.
- Hearts and stars symbolize love and hope.
- Bumblebee symbolizes conquering the impossible.
Stones in this bracelet includes malachite, the midwife stone and moss agate the birthing crystal. |
The Hope Bracelet (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 609 |
“Life is what happens while we're making plans.”
This is a quotation made famous by John Lennon. Ironically enough, it is a powerful reminder that much of our fate is out of our control. And while this can be a daunting thought, it is also a hugely promising concept. Instead of a planned predictable future, life holds wonderful surprises and delights around every corner. This bracelet contains symbols and stones that invite the wearer to view life as a wonderful opportunity to delight in the possibilities and to consider the perspective that we may not get what we want but that the future still holds something that might be even better.
The ladybug on the bracelet is the symbol of good luck, fortune and happiness.
The bumble bee reminds us of the power to overcome the impossible. The bumblebee flies even though it is anatomically impossible for her to do so with her chubby body and tiny wings.
The hearts remind us of the power of love.
The dragonfly symbolizes bravery.
The butterfly stands for change and rebirth.
Stones included in this bracelet are emethyst which relieves emotional pain and stress and citrine the happy stone. The color pink symbolizes hope.
The Angel Bracelet - (click on the bracelet to enlarge the image) 610 |
Angel Bracelet - a way to remember a loved one lost...
This bracelet was inspired by my dear friend Theresa who lost her father in an accident. We were talking about what inspires and guides us through tough times, and Theresa said that she believes that her father is still with her in many ways. I got the idea to make her a bracelet that honors the presence in our lives and hearts the memory of those who are no longer with us. On a purely visual level the bracelet features a beaded angel figure to remind us of those who have died. On a more spiritual level, there are symbols of hearts, stars, flowers to remind us of the natural beauty that life still holds. The butterflies remind us of the changes that we make as we move through life. They help us see that change may not be bad and that what we get in life may not be what we planned but may still be something lovely and wondrous. |
On a metaphysical level, the bracelet contains a special natural stone called angelite which is a gem form of the mineral Celestine. Angelite is prized as being a stone of awareness. It is thought to facilitate contact with the spirits that are around us all of the time. It is a powerful healing stone that heightens our perception and allows us to be more compassionate and accepting especially of that which cannot be changed. It is said to alleviate psychological pain and counteract cruelty. It is said to transmute pain and disorder into wholeness and healing and open the way for spiritual inspiration. It creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility. It facilitates the rebirthing process and stimulates healing.
I am often asked to include the birthstone of the deceased along with the wearer's. I can do this for you if you like.
Enjoy Peace! |